Monday, September 27, 2010

::Raytheon Sarcos XOS 2 Exoskeleton.

When we first laid eyes on the Sarcos XOS military exoskeleton three years ago, its sheer power and dexterity left us in awe... but as you can see immediately above, that wasn't enough for Raytheon. Today, the defense contractor's unveiling the XOS 2, a lighter, stronger robotic suit that uses 50 percent less power, and more importantly doesn't need to be tethered to a generator to drop and give us several hundred pushups. Video and a press release after the break doesn't specify the suit's military duties (they're focused on instilling the notion that the XOS 2 is a real-life Iron Man) but we can definitely imagine these causing some serious damage if Hammer Industries decided to weaponize that high-pressure hydraulic frame.

Further Reading and Information Courtesy: My Brain, Raytheon.

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