Wednesday, October 13, 2010

::Underground Skyscraper.

Say hello to architect Matthew Fromboluti. If he lived in a comic book, he would be designing lairs for super-villains. In the real world, he just wants to build this formidable subterranean skyscraper in the desert outside Bisbee, Arizona.

His project, called Above below, is a building that drills 900 feet into the ground, in the now-abandoned 300-acre wide Lavender Pit Mine.
It has it all. Beautiful design, complete autonomy from the outside world, skylights and tubes channeling the natural light, farms, and climate control. Now he only needs a Utopian society with enough money to build it. And John Carpenter to film something really horrific and alien happening to all of them.

Further Reading and Information Courtesy: My Brain, Inhabitat.

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