Thursday, November 4, 2010

::New 3D Hologram Technology.

Nasser Peyghambarian of the University of Arizona and his cool gang of colleagues reported today that their new holographic tech can project nearly 360 degree images from one location to another, that image updating every 2 seconds. It’s called three-dimensional telepresence, and it aims to take care of the no-rear-view issue 3D projections leave out today. “If you look at the 3-D object, we show it is very much like if you look around you. It’s the closest to what you see compared to any other technology,” he said to Rueters today.
This 3D telepresence tech differs from what we know as 3D tech in the following ways: with 3D, one perspective is shot to one eye, while another is sent to the other eye. With telepresence, no special glasses are needed to attain this effect, and the number of perspectives is limited only by the number of cameras used in capturing the object being projected.
This technology builds on similar technology made by the same group in 2008, which at that time projected a black-and-white image and updated every 4 minutes instead of 2 seconds. Once developed, this technology could potentially be employed on everything from surgery performed by doctors around the world to simple video conferencing ala Star Wars.
Further Reading and Information Courtesy: My Brain, Ubergizmo.

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