Tuesday, July 27, 2010

::Levi's Ad, a pro work done with amateur equipment.

Have you seen this incredible Levi's viral ad? A person walks coast-to-coast across America in stop motion. It's basically a commercial, but the effect is genuine. A group of guys traveled across the US, grabbing one shot at a time.

Equipment used is absurdly simple: a DSLR (Canon EOS 5D Mark II), a protractor, a tripod and a tape measure. It's humbling to realize that pretty much any of us have the resources to make such a piece. (Heck, most of us even have the 14 days of vacation time to do it.)
Even movies like Corpse Bride were shot on consumer-grade cameras, as stop motion has always been a game for the patient as much as the rich. But still, the commercial reminds us just how far digital technologies have come.
Cameras and video editing equipment are becoming the new oil paints: Not necessarily inexpensive, but inexpensive enough for almost anyone to create a spectacular, professional-grade product—assuming they have the skill and creativity.

Information Courtesy: Gizmodo.

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