Friday, July 30, 2010

::This Will Kill The Famed Segway! Ewee-PT!

If you’ve wanted a Segway, but thought it looked too “flashy” for you, then here’s what you’ve been waiting for. It’s the “little sister” of the Segway, and you should take that title to heart. Because, as you can see from the image, there isn’t much here that actually looks like a Segway. Other than that curved middle-section and handlebars, it’s missing that familiar over-sized base, plus all the plastic you’d want to show off.

The PT is manufactured by a company in Germany called Ewee, and they designed it to take all of the unnecessary elements of the Segway out of the equation, and just scale it down to the bare-bones needed to function. So, you’ll be holding onto nothing but those skinny handlebars, and your hopes and dreams as you propel yourself down the sidewalk in this mechanical contraption.
Movement is handled much the same way as the Segway, though. You move forward by leaning forward, and if you want to stop, you simply straighten yourself out. Steering, though, is handled by a joystick of sorts. Or be comfortable. The Ewee-PT is available for preorder right now, all for a low cost of €799, or about $1,039. Check out the video below before you whip out your credit card, though.

Further Reading, Buying and Information Courtesy:My Brain, Ewee-PT.

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